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Demo Review
The Rumble Hounds Demos
Article written by
Kev W - Feb 6, 2014
I'm sure there are people out there who know who The Rumble Hounds are and have the lowdown on what they're all about, but we're not really those people. We received a download link and a paragraph of info. This info said they formed last year in London and were put together by Aaron John. Four tracks are streaming on their website, possibly still in demo form, and they're working towards a debut album. But - band forms in city, starts recording songs, aims to make album - is hardly a revelation, is it? More will be revealed in the future I'm sure, but it's quite nice listening to music that comes without all the preamble and press quotes anyway.
The four songs are superb too. The Rumble Hounds have taken classic surf-rock and music from Tarantino films as their inspiration, and so we get cinematic and highly atmospheric sounds such as the almost western intro to 'Outlaws Agony' with more twang than Duane Eddy in a catapult. 'As You Run' takes the music of Dick Dale and gives is just the slightest of modern twists, but it still sounds like he had The Wailers (the garage band, not the reggae lot) as his backing band. Each song here is instrumental and all sound fantastic; it's as though the music has already reached its destination and no further work is required besides making more of the same. There's just enough variety to make for an interesting listen and take you on something of a journey. 'It Came From The Sky' ramps things up a notch and gives a weightier tone, but is still a reverby delight, and finally 'Morgana' speeds up the pace more and offers up some guitar that Hank Marvin would have been proud of. This is highly promising stuff.