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Demo Review
Fashoda Crisis Mischief of One Kind or Another
Article written by
Matt H - Feb 21, 2009
I’m sure when I did O Level History Fashoda was merely an Incident. Don’t know when it got upgraded. Bloody sensationalist GCSEs I reckon…
Fashoda Crisis are hardcore merchants out of Essex and they’ve pretty much got it sorted. The bass rumbles and drives, the thrashing guitar is full of melody and they have a great line in well-hollered intelligent sloganeering - small ‘p’ political but not preaching. Which is exactly what this sort of music demands.
If we’re talking comparisons, they themselves would offer McLusky, so can’t complain if I do the same. And it’s to their credit that they can pretty much live up to it. Though on some songs, such as If Charles Simpson Ruled the World, the more metally tone to their guitars calls to mind the likes of Sheffield’s sorely missed Rumpus.
All this and if you order from their site this will arrive in a splendid, unique cover. So what are you waiting for?