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Album Review
LCD Soundsystem Sound of Silver DFA/EMI
Article written by
Elisabetta P - May 2, 2007
Have you ever thought about what it feels like being James Murphy – multi tasking DJ, record producer, label head for DFA and the brains behind LCD Soundsystem?
It must be feeling pretty good, especially when you have just released a second album after an acclaimed eponymous first opus, which seems destined for even bigger things.
‘Sound of Silver’ does not disappoint – it brings together aging and new clubbers alike with a dancing session of music genres from different decades. The electronica wizardry and Brian Eno styled vocals of ‘Someone Great’ meet the disco glam and the infectious backing vocals of ‘Time to Get Away’. ‘All my Friends’ is an upbeat pop ballad with both punk and dance edges while Latin percussions and hypnotic refrains dominate the funk odyssey that is ‘US Vs Them’.
But it’s not just Murphy’s skilful and explosive toying with his musical background to provide the driving force behind this album. Reflections on the contemporary American identity crisis in ‘North American Scum’ – ‘for those of you who still think we are from England, we’re like…no’ – or the sweet-sour ode to his hometown ‘New York , I love you but you are bringing me down’ – ‘New York is a great place if you get someone to pay the rent’ , ‘New York take me off your mailing list’– add lyrical twists, realism and irony to this ambitious, effortless second achievement.