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Demo Review
Chuzzle Demo
Article written by
Lauren M - Nov 16, 2005
One of the finest purveyors of pop in Ireland right now, - pop in the traditional sense, that is - Chuzzle is an enigmatic Willy Wonka-style character who regularly turns up to gigs in top hat, tails and cane, mingles with the audience during songs and swigs from their drinks habitually. Such behaviour could be confused with arrogance; but only the misantrophe would deduce such a thing. How his mischievous live persona translates on record, however, is another thing.
This particular triad of pop gems may not yet be classics, but The Secrets Have A Life All Of Their Own's uptempo melody and singalong chorus unquestionably make it a surefire radio hit should it be released as a single. Nevertheless, it's still not the best thing here; that accolade belongs to The Heart Beats On The Left, which leaves behind the Narnia references and bubblegum lyrics to showcase the true capability of Chuzzle's songwriting talent. It's a charming 60s pop throwback; unsurprising considering his self-confessed Beatles fanaticism; while Giving Up Love is the obligatory heartfelt ballad, all fragile vocals and clever imagery. He should go far, this lad; if pop songs were sweets, Chuzzle would be... well, Willy Wonka. Funny, that.