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Demo Review
Citizen Erased Demo
Article written by
Kev O - Apr 11, 2006
Citizen Erased are five-piece from Chester. The demo disc has two tracks. Idiot King is a brooding, atmospheric piece, slowly building up with an arpeggio guitar (cf Radiohead 'Street Spirit (Fade Out') and reverbed Shadows-esque guitar picking its way throughout, switching at about the 3 minute mark into a straight rock backbeat, then collapsing back into the intro/outro; the vocals almost Dylanesque in their loquaciousness, rising and falling – but quite what they are on about it is difficult to say. It’s a dramatic piece. Map Ref point: Radiohead-land. Narrow Street (“I walk a narrow street at night”) however, sounds like we have moved into Nick Cave’s neighbourhood, both musically and vocally; dark, menacing and harassed. Promising, even if these two tracks make the destination a bit uncertain. Still, check out their website for more...