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Demo Review
Gifthorse Childhood Gang Reunion EP
Article written by
Adam W - Jul 28, 2005
It’s grim darn Sarf, according to Gifthorse who are a young rabble of self-confessed South London misanthropes. Having featured on those two (now, apparently, classic) Angular records compilations, this 6-track demo showcases further fruits of their rather gloomy labour. Their sound is basically your typical mid-90’s chord progressions wrapped around their frontman’s yelping interpretations of run-down council estate life and the youthful mischief and misery that lies within. As a result, they sound a lot like an unexciting and restrained Suede (especially vocally) and aside from the frequently interesting lyrical perspective on life in this often-grim part of the country are largely, well… unexciting. Whilst a decent producer could wring some life out of these rather stodgy songs, the melodies all sound rather familiar with one even being a carbon copy of Morrissey’s ‘The More You Ignore Me…’ An earnest attempt but, unfortunately, one lacking in any musical originality or sustained intrigue.