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Demo Review
Nixon One Summer Day EPInternet Release
Article written by
Tom B - Jan 30, 2006
Nixon are a Dutch duo and should not be confused with the Swedish and American acts of the same name. Having experimented with the full band line-up, they have reverted back to a duo. Their sound is part 1960's, part indie-pop, part alt country, with a consistent theme of the bitter sweet love. From the ones of despair (I try to do the right thing, but somehow it just turns out wrong on Worry Waltz) to the searching for that perfect girl ( I travelled through time, Over oceans and seas, That’s when I met her, This young lady, She’s the fairest of ladies, That I’d ever seen on One Summer Day) - it's all very much heart on sleeve stuff.
The trouble is where do Nixon go from here? This is the third internet EP release. They (dare I say it?) could be getting a little too cosy in their comfort zone. I would like to see them break out of it and give the full band experiment another go. It may do wonders for their creativity, songwriting and give those tunes an extra dimension. Instead of the songs being just nice they could be something.
The EP is a free internet only release. Download it from the Nixon Site.