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Demo Review
Sky Larkin
Article written by
Matt P - Mar 8, 2006
Sky Larkin are from Leeds. "Another one?!" I hear you cry. Well don't run off just yet, because the Larkin are worth listening to! There is an attitude and forcefulness behind the music which grabs the attention, and leave you wanting more. The style is indie-pop with a steely edge that lets the melody do the talking.
Traits and Traitors extols their virtues most effectively: a threatening five minute romp driven by rolling drums, crashing cymbals and scything guitars. Somersault leans less towards the rock and more towards the suave pop, but will nonethless leave you shouting "notes!" at inconvenient moments. All the songs manage to be broadly different, with the one constant being Katie Harkin's strong vocals. It makes you wonder where this lot could get to with the assistance of a PR machine as effective as the Arctic Monkeys'!