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Single/Download Review
Exsonvaldes & Helena Mique Cyclop/En Silencio Interference/Finalistes
Article written by
Kev W - Jun 19, 2015
Having wanted to work with a female vocalist for some time, French group Exonvaldes had a chance meeting with Delafé y Las Flores Azules singer Helena Miquel at a festival in her native country Spain back in 2013. Ideas were sent between Paris and Barcelona so that Miquel could re-write and add to the music she was hearing. With lyrics in both languages, the eventual result was this two track single, and it's proved to be a great match.
'Cyclop' is the kind of electronic indie that the Parisian scene has excelled at for so long, with the male/female vocals complimenting each other as though they'd been members of the same group for a long time. Uplifting and almost triumphant in its delivery, this is a very strong track. The pace is dropped for the more wistful 'En Silencio' with those voices adapting perfectly for this kind of dreamy, atmospheric number. Perhaps less instant, it only takes a few spins to reveal itself to be of as high a standard as the lead song. Let's hope this is just the start of a beautiful friendship.